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We Tried Trader Joe’s Sparkling Green Tea with Pineapple Juice

Trader Joe’s Sparkling Green Tea with Pineapple Juice is a new favorite. I liked the Black Tea with Peach Juice, too. Basically two ingredients — the tea and the pineapple juice – it’s totally refreshing, not super sweet and I will be restocking.

I picked up a can of another brand of unsweetened sparkling green tea with pineapple and passion fruit FLAVOR when I stopped in at Whole Foods. I gotta tell ya, it had nothing on the TJ’s version. And it cost $2.49 for a 12 oz. can vs. $3.99 for the TJ’s 4-pack.

When I tried TJ’s Sparkling Black Tea with Peach Juice, I had an automatic comparison for it. It basically reminded me of a lighter Peach Tea Snapple. I don’t have a direct compare for Trader Joe’s Sparkling Green Tea with Pineapple Juice, but even if you’re not a huge green tea fan, it’s worth picking up. The tea isn’t bitter at all, and it’s a great non-alcoholic option for summer get-togethers.

For more We Tried’s Trader Joe’s, check out:

Sparkling Watermelon Juice

Sparkling Strawberry Juice (another FAVE)

Sparkling Coconut Water with Yuzu

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We Tried Trader Joe's Sparkling Green Tea with Pineapple Juice
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We Tried Trader Joe's Sparkling Green Tea with Pineapple Juice
Short overview and review of Trader Joe's Sparkling Green Tea with PIneapple Juice
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