Product Review

We Tried Trader Joe’s Bubble Waffles

There are only 4 waffles in a package of Trader Joe’s Bubble Waffles ($4.49). So let me tell you upfront, you might want to grab 2 boxes. They live up to the description on the box: crispy edges with a chewy mochi-like middle. Making them perfect for bending in a taco shape. Especially since they’re not big enough to actually roll.

Trader Joe's Bubble Waffles box with one waffle bent into a taco shape with 2 small scoops of vanilla ice cream and diced strawberries.

Flavor-wise, they’re a lot like a sugar cone, but with a different texture. I followed the box directions and heated them in the air fryer at 325F for 5 minutes. I flipped them about half way through. And if you’re doing the taco, fold it in half right when you take them out. They’ll still be pliable and will firm up a bit as they cool.

I opted to go with vanilla ice cream and diced strawberries since it’s what I had around. But if you like ube, it’s a great time to grab a tub at TJ’s. And I saw the chocolate and vanilla swirl gelato was back in today, so that’s another option. Maybe with some diced banana on top?

Ingredient-wise, they’re pretty straightfoward. First ingredient is coconut milk, so if you have allergies, fyi. They’re marked vegan, so I’m assuming the cane sugar is processed in keeping with that.

Overall, delicious! I liked these a lot. Would I buy Trader Joe’s Bubble Waffles again? Definitely! Hopefully they’ll stick around a little longer than the Japanese Souffle Cheesecakes did!

Check out some other We Tried’s from Trader Joe’s:

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Chimichurri Chicken Skewers

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Trader Joe's Bubble Waffles
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Product Name
Trader Joe's Bubble Waffles
USD $4.49
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