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Who Needs Valentine’s Day When You’ve Got the Day After?

It seems to have become chic to just be over Valentine’s Day. Whether you protest it as a consumerist holiday perpetuated by the greeting card/candy/flower companies or you just think it’s ridiculous to hand over your first born for a 4-course prix fixe meal that you have to choke down in 40 minutes so the next seating can get in — there’s something to be said for the day after Valentine’s Day.

All of a sudden, the pressure’s off – it’s just any other night of the week. OJ and I have the benefit of February 15 being our “dating anniversary” – so we usually stay home on Valentine’s, grill up some good steaks, drink a nice bottle of red wine and save the going out for the next night. Getting a res is a heck of a lot easier, too. Coco500 is this year’s destination.

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