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We Tried Trader Joe’s Salsa Verde Tortilla Chips

You remember that old Tiffany song from the late 80s….“Could’ve been so beautiful, could’ve been so riiiiiight. Could’ve been my lover every day of my liiiiife.” Remember? That’s me trying Trader Joe’s Salsa Verde Tortilla Chips. Man. The salsa verde seasoning on these is super tasty with a nice hit of lime. I was into it.

But the chip texture is so meh it ruins the whole experience. Am I belng a little overdramatic, yes. But c’mon. These had such potential. With the right chip texture and crispness they could have been amazing. And they’re just not.

Let get up close. See how much seasoning is on these? Might be overkill for some, but I liked it. But see how that one pair of chips on the right is like still glued together? The sheets of corn flour-based dough must go through and extruder to get cut and these didn’t cut clean. And that’s the thing, rather than stone ground corn like some of their other tortilla chips, corn flour is the first listed ingredient (it claims masa on the longer descriptive copy, but it must be low quality stuff).

Am I throwing them out? No, of course not. Trader Joe’s Salsa Verde Tortilla Chips are just not living up to their true potential. Like Tiffany said, “Could have been so beautiful. Could have been so right! I’ll never hold what could’ve been on a cold winter night….” LOL.

But seriously. If TJ’s wants to sell this salsa verde seasoning, I wouldn’t be mad. And if they went back to the drawing board on the chip part of these, I’d try them again. Sigh.

Check out some other We Tried’s from Trader Joe’s:

Carolina Gold BBQ Chips (they were out in July last year, fingers crossed!)

Patio Potato Chips

Mini Chicken Tacos

We Tried Trader Joe's Salsa Verde Tortilla Chips
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We Tried Trader Joe's Salsa Verde Tortilla Chips
Brief overview and review of Trader Joe's Salsa Verde Tortilla Chips
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