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We Tried Trader Joe’s Sparkling Watermelon Juice

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been taste testing canned rosé, but if you don’t or can’t drink alcohol, Trader Joe’s has a lovely new sparkler to fill your glass with this summer: Trader Joe’s Sparkling Watermelon Juice ($3.99 for a 4-pack). Made with 100% juice, each 8.45 oz. can has 60 calories and no added sugars.

trader joe's sparkling watermelon juice

I’ve been a fan of the watermelon juice Trader Joe’s typically has in the refrigerated section during the summer. But if you can’t keep it constantly refrigerated, Trader Joe’s Sparkling Watermelon Juice cans are a great shelf stable version. It’s fizzy, but not over carbonated. And if you can drink alcohol, a shot of vodka and a little lime would make for a nice summer cocktail.  Look for it with bottled waters and canned sodas. It comes in a pink box.

I’m still on the lookout for the some of the summer products Trader Joe’s teased in their last podcast episode, including that Neapolitan Joe-Joe’s Ice Cream. Stay tuned.

Check out our other recent “We Tried’s” from Trader Joe’s:

We Tried Trader Joe’s Mochi Cake Mix 

We Tried Trader Joe’s Outside-In Stuffed Gnocchi

We Tried Trader Joe’s Amba Mango Sauce

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