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Trader Joe’s Salted Maple Ice Cream Needs … More Salt

Around these parts, Molly Moon’s makes the best Salted Caramel Ice Cream. It’s got just enough salt to amplify the caramel and you’re never asking, is this salted? I can’t say the same for Trader Joe’s Salted Maple Ice Cream. To be fair, the salted part here is apparently the Salted Caramel swirl, but my pint barely had a swirl.

The consistency is pretty soft (not a complaint, just warning you), even after a full 24 hours in the freezer. So I was able to really dig into the container looking for that swirl. And what you see in the photo is basically what I got – YMMV.

But let’s get to what really matters. How did it taste? Good maple flavor. For me, I’d sprinkle a little Maldon salt on top and possibly some toasted walnuts for texture and bitterness to cut the maple. I think 31 Flavors had a maple walnut ice cream when I was kid…so maybe that’s why I’m thinking walnuts. Pecans would be good, too. It’s also a good candidate for sandwiching between two cookies.

And while it’s simpler than the maple ginger cookie ice cream TJ’s had a few years back, I think I like this one better.

Would I buy Trader Joe’s Salted Maple Ice Cream again? Sure.

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Trader Joe's Salted Maple Ice Cream Needs...More Salt
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Trader Joe's Salted Maple Ice Cream Needs...More Salt
Brief overview and review of Trader Joe's Salted Maple Ice Cream, new for Holiday 2022.
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