Trader Joe’s Chocolate Macaron Ice Cream Sandwiches are a no-brainer. But what you need to know is, there are only 2 to a box ($4.99). So make sure you get enough for everyone, because there will be fights over these. The box advises letting them thaw for 5 minutes, but you really don’t need to. These are ready to go.

Although it’s more packaging, the good news is they’re individually wrapped. The macaron cracks when you bite into it, but it’s got that slight chew to it. Yes. They didn’t skimp on the chocolate in the ice cream either, it’s got nice, rich flavor without going overboard. Let chocolate be the first of more flavors to come!

Are Trader Joe’s Chocolate Macaron Ice Cream Sandwiches a buy again? Oh, yeah. And while there are only 2 to a box, that’ll help with portion control at my house. :)

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