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The Zoku Popsicle Maker Returns: Orange Creamsicle


When I bought the Zoku last year, the two popsicles I knew I wanted to make were Nutella fudgesicles and orange creamsicles (did you call them 50-50 bars when you were a kid? I did). I figured out the Nutella fudgesicles right quick, but the orange creamsicle eluded me. I kept seeing it exactly as I remembered it — a cream center with an orange outside. Last summer, I even made Lemon Buttermilk Zoku pops using David Lebovitz’s recipe, but never stopped to think, “Hey, why don’t you just swap out the lemon for orange?” DUH!!

Well, it’s been a long, popsicle-less winter, but last week I threw the Zoku back into the freezer. Never mind that April showers are lingering into May. You can’t let a little rain deter you from enjoying ice cream. And then, as luck would have it, this Creamsicle recipe from the Endless Meal popped up Tastespotting.

The two recipes basically take the same approach – mix a simple syrup with citrus juice, add buttermilk, and in this case, orange extract. I’ve adapted Kristen’s recipe from the Endless Meal, cutting back on the simple syrup just a bit, and scaled it down to make 6 Zoku pops.

Depending on how much juice your orange gives up, you may come up a bit short. Bottom line is, to make 6 pops, you need 1 1/2 c. of liquid

Orange Creamsicle Zoku Pops

Serves: 6 pops


  • 1/3 c. simple syrup (1:1 sugar and water, dissolved in a pan over medium heat)
  • 1 medium orange, juiced and zested (~1/4 c. orange juice)
  • 7 oz. low-fat buttermilk
  • 1/2 t. orange extract



In a sauce pan over medium-low heat, mix together the simple syrup, orange juice, zest and extract. Bring just to a simmer and then turn off the heat. Let sit until completely cooled.


In a 2 c. Pyrex measuring cup, stir together the syrup/juice solution and the buttermilk. Refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours or overnight.


Pour 2 oz. into each Zoku slot and let chill 9 minutes, per Zoku instructions.


Slightly adapted from The Endless Meal

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