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Friday Night Slice: Pineapple + Jalapeños = Pineapeño

No one has really committed to Spring yet.  We’re still in the rainy season and our grill remains bundled up, still in its winter slumber, but this week's Friday Night Slice is one you can make today and carry into the summer barbecue season. I can’t say I know exactly where this one came from.  Was it a craving for island breezes and sunshine? Or just a passing thought about the pepperoni and jalapeño from Pizza Port? Maybe both.  This week’s slice is a vegetarian pizza I’m calling a Pineapeño.

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Chocolate Chip Banana Oat Loaf

 chocolate chip banana oat loaf | dailywaffle

I bought a 4.5-lb. bag of Toll House chocolate chips at Costco. Joke all you want about whether or not anyone needs 12 rolls of paper towels or 6 packages of toilet paper at one time, but come the holidays, it’s the place to go.  Need a 10 lb. bag of sugar for about the same cost as 5 lbs. at the grocery store? Costco.  You’re doing spiced nut mix for an office party? Costco.  You need to restock your bar? Costco. So when I bought that bag of chocolate chips, it was without a lick of regret.  I even felt like I was being somewhat restrained, since there was a 10 lb. bag of another brand.  The thing is, I made this chocolate chip banana oat loaf with the regular chips but it didn’t produce the “chocolate in every bite” effect I was looking for.  For that, you need the minis. Good thing I have no problem with keeping a well-stocked chocolate chip pantry.

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Damn Near Perfect Whole Wheat Pizza

I’ve been, let's call it what it is, short my entire life.  On my tallest day, coincidentally, the day I got my driver's license, I was 5'1. So when you find a pair of pants that fits without needing alterations, you buy three pairs in black and never look back.  It’s the same thing with pizza dough. When you find a dough recipe that works, you just keep on with it. For me, that’s been the Food Lab’s NY-style pizza dough. But after awhile, you start to need another pair of pants. What I really wanted was a whole wheat crust. So I started tinkering with my tried and true.  Tinkering until I got the Food Lab’s NY-style pizza dough to go whole wheat.

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Blueberry Muffins with a Secret

Hot off my blueberry picking this past weekend, you knew some blueberry recipes were coming soon to this here blog. If you've been reading the Waffle for a little while, you might know where I stand on muffins, which is, when it comes down to it, I'd rather have a donut over a muffin most of the time. But it's blueberry season, and these aren't really muffins -- they're more like blueberry coffee cake in an individual serving! (Are you buying this? Clearly I'm in denial). Oh, they might look like regular ol' blueberry muffins, but these little babies have a hidden secret.

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