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Keep It Simple, Smarty: Sesame Sugar Snap Peas

daeji bulgogi and sesame sugar snap peas Read recipe headlines or captions and you might think cooking has turned into a version of Name That Tune.  Take any dish, let’s say a salad in this case.  Can’t you just see it, opponents stand across from each other on a cardboard cut out game show set, sizing each other up, looking for tells. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly practically plays in the background. “Jim, I can make that salad in 7 ingredients,” says Contestant #1. “I can make it in 5,” replies Contestant #2. #1 rocks from left foot to right to left again.  “Uhhh, Jim, I can make it in 3.” Sensing uncertainty, #2 points, “Make that salad.” Alright, let’s do it. Easy peasy Sesame Sugar Snap Peas.

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Sweet and Spicy Nut Mix

I don't really know why I started thinking about spiced nuts this weekend. Must be something about the sun being lower in the sky, and the cooler weather settling in...and the smell of anything roasting, whether its chiles or chicken or nuts, just feels like fall. I didn't think there was anything that could make pecans and almonds taste even better, until now.

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