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Back-to-School Black Bean & Sweet Potato Empanadas

black bean and sweet potato empanadas |dailywaffle The hand pie may be one of the world’s best food creations.  Whether it’s a piroshky, a Pop Tart, a beerock or an empanada, the idea of tucking something sweet or savory into a little pocket of dough is an idea embraced by food cultures the world over. It’s an easy way to have a snack or a meal on the go with relatively minimal mess, which makes these Black Bean and Sweet Potato Empanadas perfect for back-to-school and back-to-work lunch boxes. (I know, I don’t want to think about it, either, and I don’t have kids).

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Easy Strawberry and Lemon Curd Pie

Something about pie dough scares me. I’m forever not rolling it to the right thickness or into shapes that resemble a rhombus rather than a circle. It’s ironic, because when it comes to eating pie, I love a double crust. But if pie making is a drug, this strawberry and lemon curd pie is a Nilla wafer and saltine cracker gateway drug. Yes, I said SALTINES. You’re in, right? So let’s go.

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Peanut Butter Pie for Mikey

Jennifer Perillo, you and your family are in our thoughts and our hearts today. In celebration and remembrance of your husband Mikey, and because sometimes words just seem inadequate, here's a peanut butter pie partially (filling & ganache) based on Rose Levy Beranbaum's Chocolate Peanut Butter Mousse Tart.

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