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Maximum Pesto, Minimum Noodle

basil pesto orzo salad |dailywaffle Wolf declared this the best pesto he’s ever had. I laughed,  made a “yeah, whatever” face and said, “You’re just hungry.” It’s the same basil pesto I’ve been making for years and there’s nothing all that unusual about it.  I don’t put pine nuts in it and I add a squeeze of lemon juice to stave off discoloration. So, why talk about it? We made a discovery the other night. The secret here is maximum pesto, minimum noodle.

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TBTL: Jen’s Orzo Salad

For those of you looking for Jen Andrews' orzo salad, here's my tweet capturing the recipe from the 5/23 episode of TBTL. It was in my twitter feed, so that's why some of you may have gotten here, but then there was no recipe. BTW - you've checked out Jen's merch site, right? While I'm…

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