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Ginger Chicken Hot Pot w/ Rice Cakes

  There’s a critical step that often gets missed in this whole reading food blogs thing. Observe: Step 1: Ooh, I really want to make something with potatoes. Step 2: Google potato recipes Step 3: Scroll past the text and ogle hasselbeck potatoes, stuffed potato skins, potato salad, tater tots, hash browns, etc. Step 4: Read recipes Step 5: Possibly comment “Ooh, looks yummy.” Alternatively, pin recipes to your “Yummy Potatoes” Pinterest board. Step 6: The End. What’s missing here?

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Almost Grandma’s Tamale Pie

  If you think back about eating at your grandparents’ house, do you associate certain foods with the dishes they were served in? In my grandma’s kitchen, there were two things that were made in a big white Corningware baking dish.  You know the one, square ceramic with a blue cornflower design on the side.  There was the dish I’d like to forget but can’t – tuna casserole with a potato chip topping. And there was tamale pie.

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