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Flying to New York for a Froyo Break

momofuku milk bar froyo |dailywaffle I blew through New York City a couple of weeks ago, rolling in on a Red Eye Tuesday morning, and jetting out on Wednesday evening.  Road warriors, I do not envy you.  The red eye is a killer.  Even with my short legs and an open row --3 seats worth of luxurious space -- the shuteye I got was somewhere just north of dozing.  I checked into the hotel, flipped on the TV, and after a shower, I looked down onto the street below at what I can only describe as an oasis. Green letters emblazoned at street-level. In my best Homer Simpson voice, I said (it even may have been out loud), “Mmmmm. Coffeeeeee.”

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Maximum Pesto, Minimum Noodle

basil pesto orzo salad |dailywaffle Wolf declared this the best pesto he’s ever had. I laughed,  made a “yeah, whatever” face and said, “You’re just hungry.” It’s the same basil pesto I’ve been making for years and there’s nothing all that unusual about it.  I don’t put pine nuts in it and I add a squeeze of lemon juice to stave off discoloration. So, why talk about it? We made a discovery the other night. The secret here is maximum pesto, minimum noodle.

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Honey Orange Ginger Waffles

For a blog called DailyWaffle, there are few actual waffle recipes in these pages. It's not for lack of consumption. The truth? Waffles rarely stick around long enough in our kitchen to get photographed. Whether I’ve planned ahead with an overnight batch of yeasted waffles, or just whipped together a batter, more often than not, we’re standing…

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OMG: Olive Oil Cake with Clementine Marmalade

  This week there were two desserts on Serious Eats I bookmarked to try -- first, this maple cake with brown butter apples and this olive oil cake with tangerine marmalade. I took it as a sign from the universe that just because it's only half way into January, there's no reason I shouldn't have dessert. And the olive oil cake is practically heart-healthy, on account of the olive oil and all. It's literally a single layer olive oil cake soaked with tangerine marmalade. And if you saw the Clementine-Ginger marmalade I made last weekend, well, it was kismet, or serendipity, or maybe just plain timely.

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