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FridayNightSlice: Andouille, Mushroom & Fennel Pizza

The Seattle: Uli's Andouille, Crimini and Beecher's Flagship pizza Before last weekend's Super Bowl, you might have seen the Baking Steel's pizza face off between a Seattle Skittle pizza and a New England sausage pie.  As much as we love Marshawn Lynch around here, I don't think many of us are sprinkling Skittles on our 'za.  Ann Osbourne Peavey, who commented on the Baking Steel Facebook post, called for a "REAL Seattle pizza" with Uli's Famous Sausage and Beecher's Cheese among other ingredients. With thanks to Ann for the inspiration, I bring you this week's #FridayNightSlice -- an Andouille and Crimini Mushroom pie topped with mozzarella and Beecher's Flagship. Now that's a Seattle pizza.

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