You Want Trader Joe’s Waffle Fries With That?
We Compare Trader Joe’s and Alexia’s Seasoned Waffle Cut Fries
When I grabbed a bag of Trader Joe’s Waffle Fries, I just assumed they were probably pretty similar to the Alexia brand ones I usually get at the supermarket. At $3.49 for the Trader Joe’s, and $4.49 for the Alexia, they’re fairly close on price. Although I think I usually try to get the Alexia on sale.
The one thing I didn’t notice straight away is the Trader Joe’s Waffle Fries are Product of Italy. So definitely not just a rebadging of the Alexia brand. Ingredient lists are pretty similar, though the Trader Joe’s are lower in sodium. And taste-wise you can definitely tell. The Trader Joe’s ones I’d call lightly seasoned, and they could do with a hit or two of salt.
They both have a decent mix of bigger actually waffle cut fries and some of the broken stragglers. No complaints there. I overcooked the Trader Joe’s slightly because I threw them in and then pre-heated the airfryer, but that’s on me. This was also the second half of the bag from TJ’s (and a brand new bag of Alexia), so the pictures won’t quite be a 100% fair compare on the size of the fries.
So, where did I end up? The Trader Joe’s Waffle Fries are good. If you want to save a buck and only stop at one store, get ’em. But if you can spare the dollar and you’re going to the supermarket anyway, Alexia still has a slight edge for me. The potato seems a little fluffier and they’re a little more seasoned / salted.
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