June 6, 2023 Edition
After a couple of big weeks, things were pretty quiet at my local Trader Joe’s when it comes to new/returning products. I’m still on the lookout for the ube mochi ice cream, but no luck yet. It’s ok, I bought some Tillamook strawberry shortcake frozen custard over the weekend and I have a zillion Melonas in my freezer thanks to Costco.
So what did I find?

Well, of course, Golden Caramel Swirl Ice Cream is back after being discontinued awhile ago. Similar to Baskin Robbins’ Gold Medal Ribbon, Golden Caramel Swirl features chocolate and vanilla ice cream with a salted caramel swirl. I can’t remember if the previous version was salted or not, but either way, I’m hoping I like it better this time around. Gold Medal Ribbon was a childhood favorite.

Lotta gums in that ingredient list. Not uncommon in ice cream to help with texture, but still, HMH.

Next up, Chicken Breakfast Sausage Patties, available in the freezer section. When we do breakfast sausage, I usually get the Diestel Turkey sausage, so I’m looking forward to this one. Six to a package for $3.29. The ingredient list is shockingly straight-forward and the sodium isn’t completely off the charts. Is it too good to be true? I’ll report back soon. I’ve already got English muffins thawing on the counter.

And the last thing I spotted this week is Diamond Crystal Kosher salt for $8.99. I forgot to snap a pic, but if you do a fair bit of home cooking and kosher is your preferred salt, it’s a great price. I didn’t grab one today, but I will next trip.