We got a theme for What’s New and Returning at Trader Joe’s this week. It’s all about the “P’s” — popsicles, popcorn, and pink! Plus a few extras. So let’s get into what we spotted in the Pacific Northwest.
Just in time for the long weekend, Trader Joe’s stocked its freezers with allllllll the POPSICLES. Trader Joe’s versions of a 50/50 (or creamsicle) bar, are back — in both tangerine and mango. I loved the tangerine ones, gonna have to make some room for the mango, but if they’re anything like the itty bitty version TJ’s had years ago, they can’t be bad.

I wasn’t a huge fan of Trader Joe’s Out of this World Ice Pops, but someone must be! They’re back for the second time. Check out the review here.

Trader Joe’s non-dairy version of the fudgesicle is back! Made with oat milk, I liked these a lot. And it’s probably what I’d make room in the freezer for…if it wasn’t for the 24 Melona I just bought. Check out the review here.

I thought I did a review of Trader Joe’s Root Beer Float Bars, but apparently not. I remember the root beer tasting slightly minty to me? Your mileage may vary.

Dill Pickle fans, we’re pretty sure the potato chips won’t be returning this summer after the fire at the plant in New Brunswick, Canada, but at least you can get the popcorn.

P is for PINK
Brazil Nut Health and Beauty fans, your time has come. The Brazil Nut Body Butter, Body Scrub and Body Wash are all back. Along with the magenta (er, pink) insulated bag. So if you missed out last summer, now’s your chance to grab one.

Everything else that doesn’t fit the theme:
NEW: Blueberry Elderflower Beverage is new to the refrigerated section.

NEW: Slow Roasted Tomatoes


RETURNING: Tres Leches Cake is back in the freezer aisle.
RETURNING: Unexpected Cheddar Hatch Chile Spread (I coulda stretched this to be chile PEPPER, but nah).
RETURNING: Fudgy Cookie Dough Ice Cream
Check out some other What’s New at Trader Joe’s roundups from the last few weeks:
What’s New at Trader Joe’s – May 16, 2024
What’s New at Trader Joe’s – May 9, 2024
What’s New at Trader Joe’s – May 2, 2024