First things first, these are NOT called Pumpkin PIE empanadas. It’s true, these are spiced with cinnamon, clove, allspice, ginger and salt. But this is not quite pumpkin pie. They aren’t as sweet as all that. And I really really like Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Empanadas!

Through all the ice creams and desserts you’ve often heard me say, “It’s really sweet.” So yeah, today I am the person who would take a bowl of Cheerios over a bowl of Apple Jacks or Trix. No problem to drink a cup of good coffee with cream, but not sugar. Elementary school me is horrified. But it’s true. Less sugar tastes better to me. And you know what, there are so many things you can drizzle over these to sweeten them up.
I mean, who would pass up Trader Joe’s Bourbon Barrel Maple Syrup, or the Cinnamon Bun Spread as a possible dipper or drizzle? For me, I like the flexibility of it not being super sweet. And I also like that in a box of 4, they’re two to a package in the box. I do have a little bit of guilt about the extra packaging.
I saved the second one in the fridge to eat the next day. I zapped it in the microwave, and the filling gets hot, but they’re best from the oven on the day they’re baked.
It’s a good start on empanadas. My oven is getting old, so they didn’t brown up a ton, but they’re good. And if it means we might get beef or chicken empanadas, or just more frozen hand pies in general from Trader Joe’s — psshhhhh. COUNT. ME. IN.
Check out some other We Tried’s from Trader Joe’s:
Spicy Pumpkin Curry Simmer Sauce
Cauliflower and Butternut Squash Risotto