Sometimes you should just try to call a thing what it is, instead of doing word gymnastics to make it fit a food trend. Hey, let me get some of those Spicy Porkless Plant-Based Snack Rinds? How ’bout just some Trader Joe’s Spicy Rice Crunchies? For simplicity’s sake, I’m just gonna call them Trader Joe’s Plant-Based Pork Rinds.

So how are they these plant-based pork rinds done? Rice meal and yellow pea flour. You gotta be into that puffed rice texture, and these are more barbecue-ish to me than straight up spicy. Kind of surprising given that they have both cayenne and habanero powder. I thought these might bring the heat, but I’d put them between mild and medium. You might want to mix them in with something else, unless you’re driving somewhere and mindlessly stuffing snacks in your face.
They’re probably not a buy again for me, mostly because I’m not vegan and there are too many other snacks I like from Trader Joe’s.
Check out some other recent We Tried’s from Trader Joe’s:
Jalapeño Seasoned Corn and Rice Puffs
Non-Dairy Oat Milk Fudgesicles