A few weeks ago, Trader Joe’s promised it’d be rolling out a gluten-free Mochi Cake Mix as part of its new Spring and Summer products. It’s in stores now for $3.99 and we tried it.
What Trader Joe’s didn’t say in the initial announcement was that it would be “Hawaiian inspired,” flavored with coconut milk powder. A bonus in my book. Growing up, we called this coconut mochi or just butter mochi.
Made with sweet rice flour, you add water, melted butter and two eggs to the mix and bake it for 45-55 minutes. If you love the slightly dense, chewy texture of the mochi balls you’ve had in boba tea, you’ll like this one. If you don’t, then skip it.
As you can see from the photo, ours came out nice and golden after baking for 50 minutes. The middle slices have a more chewy texture than the edges, but overall, I like this one a lot. You can easily make mochi cake if you pick up sweet rice flour, called mochiko, in the international aisle of your grocery store or at an Asian market. If coconut isn’t your jam, JustJenn has a chocolate mochi cake on her site.
Check out the other new products on deck for Trader Joe’s this Spring/Summer.