Canadians have known forever that ketchup chips are delicious, but Americans have been slow to get on board. But this summer, Trader Joe’s is bringing them to the American market in two ways — as part of its 4-flavors-in-one-bag Patio Potato Chips, and now in Trader Joe’s Ketchup Flavored Spud Crunchies ($1.99 for a 4 oz. bag).

They’re basically extra crunchy fry-shaped potato snacks. Trader Joe’s has had a plain version for a long time, and I always thought, eh, I’d just have fries if that’s what I was in the mood for. But now, with ketchup flavor on the table? Sign me up.
Considering how addictive these are, the 4 oz. bag is kind of small. The picture up top is the full bag. The nutrition facts claim there are four servings, with 10g fat each, so….you probably don’t want to polish off the whole bag in one sitting. Though I could easily see doing it! Also, these have both cane sugar and stevia glucosides, if you have a stevia sensitivity.
These are a win for me. They don’t beat out the Patio Potato Chips, which I’m hoping will stick around past summer, but Trader Joe’s Ketchup Flavored Spud Crunchies definitely hit the spot.
Check out our other recent “We Trieds” from Trader Joe’s including:
Trader Joe’s Turmeric Ginger Coconut Beverage
Trader Joe’s Strawberry Rose Fruit Spread