What makes madeleines great is that they’re so simple. Buttery, eggy little shell-shaped cakes. (They’re not cookies). And Trader Joe’s makes pretty decent ones. I’ll usually go for a bag of the lemon ones they have in the spring. Now they’ve come out with a gluten-free version. Upfront, we’re not a gluten-free household, but I get that you’ve got to make recipe accommodations to fit the requirement.

Trader Joe’s Gluten Free Madeleines come individually wrapped, six to a box ($3.49). They were in the bakery section at my store. I’ll give them credit for achieving the trademark bump (I don’t think the bump is so pronounced on the lemon ones at, least that I can remember).
But. Yes, here come the buts. They’re very sweet. (For me, too sweet). And with the switch to rice and corn flour, the crumb on these is much tighter and denser than the standard. But I think the biggest crime is that there’s no butter. Part of the delight of a madeleine is the buttery-ness of the cake. These just taste like basic sweet white cake, but you’re still paying for it with 7 grams of fat / 140 calories per madeleine.

I first thought the choice of sunflower oil instead of butter might have something to do with extending the shelf-life. They’re labeled “best by 8/8,” giving me about 3 weeks to enjoy them. Still, I’d rather have the butter.
While I wouldn’t usually use madeleines as a stand-in for shortcake, these might work with some sliced berries on top. Add the whipped cream if you’ve got a sweet tooth.
Would I buy Trader Joe’s Gluten-Free Madeleines again? No. I think they could’ve done better. I’ll just wait for the lemon ones to come around again, or make them at home.
Check out some other We Tried’s from Trader Joe’s:
Carolina Gold BBQ Chips (now back in stores, as of July 12)
Sparkling Coconut Water with Yuzu
Chimichurri Grilled Chicken Skewers