Go for the Gold, ya’ll! Sorry, gotta use the Olympics puns while I can. But seriously, I’ve been waiting for Trader Joe’s Carolina Gold BBQ Chips since they talked about them on the Inside Trader Joe’s podcast. And for me, these are definitely gold, five stars, two thumbs up, 10/10, etc.

So let’s start off with the chip itself. It’s a slightly thicker kettle cut with good crunch. Not greasy. And what I liked is it isn’t just your standard paprika/chili powder/brown sugar type BBQ seasoning. It’s got a nice tang from vinegar, too, but it doesn’t burn your tongue like some salt and vinegar chips.

But! I expected them to be mustardy, since Carolina bbq sauce (in general) usually has a good amount of mustard in there. Mustard powder is the fifth ingredient listed. But I didn’t get much of a mustard hit, which is still fine by me. Great straight out of the bag, or on a sandwich. For me, these are a definite buy again.
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