We finally finally got Trader Joe’s Cacio e Pepe Puffs. Made with corn and rice like the Jalapeño seasoned version, I think these might actually be crunchier and less airy. They’re definitely less styrofoam-like than the jalapeño. And I thought I was gonna love them.

The cheese isn’t too in your face, and some puffs seem cheesier than others. And you can definitely taste the buttermlik in the cheese blend. The black pepper lingers a bit, but overall, I don’t know. They’re fine. Not amazing.
I’ll admit, I don’t usually buy the regular cheese puffs either. I just expected to like these a lot more than I did!
Check out some other We Tried’s from Trader Joe’s:

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We Tried Trader Joe's Cacio e Pepe Puffs
Brief review of Trader joe's Cacio e Pepe Puffs
Michelle Jenkins
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