Tyler on WOR: What a Bore
It’s no secret that I like Tyler Florence — he’d be in my hot tub. But I recently discovered that Mr. Food 911 has a radio show out out of NY on WOR 710AM, which I’ve started downloading to my iPod. After listening to a week’s worth of shows — I just have to wonder — how can a guy who’s great on TV have such a freakin’ terrible radio show?
I blame it in part on the call screeners and in part to the fact that they let calls go on waaaaaaay too long. Between the caller who was asking about eating salmon bones (um, EWWW) to the woman who was looking for a restaurant for a graduation dinner for her daughter, who it seems is an accomplished gourmand at age 16 — I would have turned the flippin’ thing off, if it wasn’t for the fact that I sometimes listen to podcasts to fall back asleep. I’ll give it one more week before I ditch it from my podcast subscriptions.