ARC provided by the author for review
Are my eyebrows on fire? Trashed is a scorcher! Damn, Mia!
Mia Hopkins keeps it sexy in Trashed (Eastside Brewery #2), wrapping Eddie and Carmen’s romance in a story that’s ultimately about culture, community, and the happily ever after we all deserve.

Eddie’s six months out of prison and trying to get his life on track. The two meet at a restaurant where Carmen is a chef and Eddie attempts to be a dishwasher. Then, they both get fired.
I love that Hopkins sticks with the story being told from Eddie’s perspective. Even without Carmen’s POV, you get a good sense of who she is, where she’s coming from and what she stands for. That said, at various points, I wondered what she was doing. After they both get fired, she doesn’t exactly rush into trying to find another restaurant gig.
Hopkins excels at developing complex, introspective characters who never feel like stereotypes to me. These are working class people who got into some stuff and live with it on a daily basis. Eddie’s clearly had time to think about who he is, how he got there, and where he wants to go next. I can’t tell you how much I love seeing working class lives and loves front and center in romance, and not just in one-dimensional supporting roles to billionaires and white collar workers.
In a note at the end of the book, Hopkins talks about how she spent time volunteering at a gang intervention and re-entry program, which informed her characters. You have to believe that plays a role in why you read Eddie and never think of him as the “Latin Lover” type. He’ll singe your eyebrows off, but that’s just him.
If you read THIRSTY and you’re wondering if we find out what’s up with that mystery in the book? Yep, we get some answers.
Trashed hits shelves on Tuesday, July 16.
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