Did we expect everyone to go bonkers over Trader Joe’s Mini Canvas Totes? Trader Joe’s sure didn’t. I ended up sending two to mom! But if you missed out, good news just in from the Inside Trader Joe’s (corporate) podcast.

Trader Joe’s Mini Canvas Totes will restock in late August/early September 2024. Same colors: red, yellow, navy, green. So hold tight and don’t pay crazy prices on eBay.
[UPDATE 9/18/24: Restock is on. Reports coming in from the East Coast of limit 2 in most stores. We’re not open yet on the West Coast.]
Check out some We Tried’s from Trader Joe’s:
Papas Rellenas (potato croquettes)

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Trader Joe's Mini Canvas Totes Are Coming Back
News brief on the return of Trader Joe's Mini Canvas Totes later in 2024.
Michelle Jenkins
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