The upside of Trader Joe’s Bomb Pops (or Out of this World Ice Pops, if you must) is that they’re smaller than the ones we got when we were kids. And there are actual fruit flavors involved instead of just red, blue and white. What flavor was blue anyway? But when your freezer is already full of TJ’s frozen treats (tangerine cream bars, oat milk fudgesicles, cold brew and boba ice cream), do you need to make room for these bomb pops?

For me, the best tasting layer is the lemon on the bottom. The way they’re made, the center of each layer carries over into the next, like when you bite into the red top, you can see blue in the middle (see photo below).

So the red and blue, I couldn’t tell much difference between them. That’s not a complaint. I doubt there was much difference between the red and the blue in our old school bomb pops, either. But the lemon is the layer that cleanly stood out. I wouldn’t mind just a lemon ice pop, but that’s probably best for adult palates. Even this one might be sort of sour for kids.

While there is fruit puree and juice in the mix here, there’s a lot of sugar, too. I mean, it’s a popsicle, so no big surprise there. But do note that one serving is listed as 3 ice pops. So really you’re looking at 50 calories each, which, if you’re looking for a sugar fix, isn’t so bad.
So, are Trader Joe’s Bomb Pops Out of of this World or just ok? For me, just ok. I won’t buy them again, only because there are tastier options in TJ’s freezer section for me.
While I’ve got you: what else are you interested in seeing reviewed from Trader Joe’s? Vegan posts seem to do less well than others, but do you want to see that Vegan Beef Bulgogi? Let me know!