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The First Signs of Life

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After a very long, very rainy, very black turtleneck sweater winter, Spring has finally sprung. My yard, such as it is, is finally in bloom. Strawberries are finally starting to get on track and English peas and early zucchini and yellow squash are hitting the farmers market. And there is reason to rejoice!! In celebration last week, I made pasta primavera — everytime I make it, it starts to get more and more like fettuccini alfredo w/ some nice spring vegetables. Hey, we all need our calcium to ward off osteoporosis.

Then Spring got confused and went into overdrive. Yesterday was pleasantly warm and had people saying, “Wow, what a great day. It’s so nice after such a long winter.” We grilled some chicken marinated in coconut milk with a spicy/sweet soy sauce, rice vinegar glaze. And then there was today — we had a lovely late morning breakfast outside, read the paper for a couple hours and then…by 2 p.m. it was actively hot. I’m talkin’ 95 degrees hot. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining – it’s just got me longing for greek salads with juicy, mid-summer tomatoes…and all we’ve got to make do are early cherry tomatoes…sigh.

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