When you talk about shopping at Costco, everyone laughs and says, “Do you really need 6 packages of toilet paper? Or 3 cartons of milk?” Just like with 20 pounds of rice, no one says, “Two jars of Nutella? Do you really need two jars?” Ever. Because obviously.
I joke that the tagline for DailyWaffle is “Home of the Nutella Fudgesicle.” It’s my most popular post, a Zoku pop recipe that went viral (thanks peeps on Pinterest!). Just two ingredients, hazelnut milk and Nutella, you can either freeze it into a popsicle or heat it up for a cup of hot chocolate. And if you choose to spike it, well, that's between you and your Nutella. Any which way, if there’s one made up food day I have to honor, it’s World Nutella Day.