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What’s Crackin’? Parmigiano Reggiano

parmigiano reggiano | dailywaffle
Cracking open an 85-pound wheel of Parmigiano Reggiano is no simple task. On Saturday, Whole Foods hosted events across the US, Canada and UK,  with stores cracking open more than 400 wheels of Parmigiano Reggiano. This year's event at Whole Foods Market Bellevue saw three competitors taking on the task and there was a clear cut winner.  A look at the festivities, including the crackin' in action, after the jump.

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In Season: Get Your Dekopon On with Sumo Citrus

If you ever want to know the backstory on a fruit, David Karp is your man. Last year, he wrote about the arrival of the dekopon, a Japanese variety of mandarin, just entering the market in California and I was all over my local stores in Washington trying to see if they'd carry them. No such luck. So when Karp heralded the arrival of this year's dekopons, marketed as "Sumo Citrus," in last week's LA Times food section and it coincided with a trip down south to visit a friend, I knew we had to find a Whole Foods in her neighborhood.

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