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Keep It Simple, Smarty: Sesame Sugar Snap Peas

daeji bulgogi and sesame sugar snap peas Read recipe headlines or captions and you might think cooking has turned into a version of Name That Tune.  Take any dish, let’s say a salad in this case.  Can’t you just see it, opponents stand across from each other on a cardboard cut out game show set, sizing each other up, looking for tells. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly practically plays in the background. “Jim, I can make that salad in 7 ingredients,” says Contestant #1. “I can make it in 5,” replies Contestant #2. #1 rocks from left foot to right to left again.  “Uhhh, Jim, I can make it in 3.” Sensing uncertainty, #2 points, “Make that salad.” Alright, let’s do it. Easy peasy Sesame Sugar Snap Peas.

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Ginger Chicken Hot Pot w/ Rice Cakes

  There’s a critical step that often gets missed in this whole reading food blogs thing. Observe: Step 1: Ooh, I really want to make something with potatoes. Step 2: Google potato recipes Step 3: Scroll past the text and ogle hasselbeck potatoes, stuffed potato skins, potato salad, tater tots, hash browns, etc. Step 4: Read recipes Step 5: Possibly comment “Ooh, looks yummy.” Alternatively, pin recipes to your “Yummy Potatoes” Pinterest board. Step 6: The End. What’s missing here?

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coca-cola braised pork

Korean Inspired Coca-Cola Braised Pork in the Slow Cooker

  coca-cola braised porkIt's almost February. We're in the thick of winter, when a slow cooker should be getting a real workout. But strangely, I haven't been using mine that much. I like doing soups and chilis on the stove, but the truth is, the slow cooker is almost a magical appliance. You throw in a few things, cover it with the lid, abracadabra and 6-8 hours later, you have something amazingly delicious. It took this Coca-Cola Braised Pork shoulder to remind me just how magical it can be. I'm not even going to feign modesty and say, "Oh, it's pretty good, you might like it." I'll just say it, this pork shoulder is super tasty. It's not just good, it's gooooooooood.

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