Pizza is the #1 food in America, according to the results of a recently released Oxfam survey of more than 16,000 people globally, followed by steak, chicken, Mexican food and pasta. Pizza is #2 in Germany and #5 in Brazil.
I can't say I'm surprised about the US result (although I thought #1 would be burgers). Pizza night - whether homemade or take-out - is almost a weekly occurrence for us. That being the case, you'd think I'd be a lot better at rolling the dough into a circle. But when it comes to pizza, I'm geometrically-challenged. Not unlike my experience in 10th grade geometry, I understand the technique, but there's a disconnect between my brain and the rolling pin. It does make for interesting shapes -- oblongs, rectangles, squares. I'd say this one is between bent snowboard and Christmas stocking.