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Lighten Up > King Ranch Casserole

king ranch casserole | dailywaffle

You don't have to buy canned cream of chicken soup.  I'm embarrassed to say this notion only just occurred to me. Instead, I've generally avoided any and all casseroles that call for either cream of chicken or cream of mushroom soup.  Chalk it up to the childhood trauma that is tuna casserole (and the extreme amounts of sodium). Continuing that lightning bolt,  you can make what is basically cream of chicken soup – a béchamel with part chicken broth, part milk.  That’s exactly what went down with this King Ranch Casserole.

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Ginger Chicken Hot Pot w/ Rice Cakes

  There’s a critical step that often gets missed in this whole reading food blogs thing. Observe: Step 1: Ooh, I really want to make something with potatoes. Step 2: Google potato recipes Step 3: Scroll past the text and ogle hasselbeck potatoes, stuffed potato skins, potato salad, tater tots, hash browns, etc. Step 4: Read recipes Step 5: Possibly comment “Ooh, looks yummy.” Alternatively, pin recipes to your “Yummy Potatoes” Pinterest board. Step 6: The End. What’s missing here?

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Don’t Fear the Pho

chicken pho ga |dailywaffle

Is it possible to fear chicken soup? If it wasn’t fear holding me back from making pho at home, it must have been laziness, or the sheer number of pho shops in Seattle. Yeah, that’s it, there was no reason to make pho at home, when you can get it anywhere, even out here in the ‘burbs. Pho, a Vietnamese noodle soup, most often made with beef broth, has always seemed like a dish to leave to the experts.  You char the spices and ginger and the broth needs to simmer for hours to fully develop its flavor. Then Taylor Hoang of Pho Cyclo made pho ga, chicken pho, at TDCamp and it was so easy and so delicious I knew I had to make it at home.

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Grill Power: Halloumi & Grilled Vegetable Pasta Salad

mediterreanean grilled vegetable pasta salad | dailywaffle

Just a quick hit today as Canada is finishing its long weekend celebrating Canada Day and the US is gearing up for Independence Day. Like a lot of the West Coast we're in the midst of a heatwave, so stretching one night of cooking over a couple of meals sounds like a good plan to me.  Over the weekend, we fired up the grill and threw on some halloumi and vegetable skewers inspired by Joshua Bousel's version on Serious Eats a couple of weeks ago. We doubled up the skewers and had half the veg for dinner with the other half headed for this pasta salad the next day.

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Grill Power > Pineapple Passion Fruit Grilled Chicken

  As soon as it gets gorgeous out, the first thing you want to do is whip the cover off the grill and throw on some burgers and dogs.  But what about after that? With a stretch of nice days its easy to run through your usual grilling repertoire and run out of ideas.  So why don't we do a little island-inspired grilled chicken?  Pineapple Passion Fruit Glazed Chicken we first made during our trip to Kaua'i in February.

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The Sweet and the Sour

sweet and sour chicken| dailywaffle As you drive north on the 5 through the Central Valley, the interstate is dotted with fast food joints and truck stops and the occasional restaurant advertising “Chinese-American” food.  In all the times I’ve done that drive, we have never stopped and I always sort of assumed that they were covering their bases, that Chinese-American food meant they served both chow mein and say, hamburgers. My first experiences with Chinese-American food were either in a strip mall or in a cramped restaurant with yellowing walls in downtown LA.  The order was always the same whether we were unpacking a brown sack of red and white take-out boxes or gathered around a big Lazy Susan for a post-funeral eat your feelings. As an only child you reach an age in life where it seems like there is a lot of Chinese food happening. I sometimes worry that the second round isn’t too many years away.

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Chicken Black Bean Quinoa Bake

 chicken black bean quinoa bake | dailywaffle

This week kicked my butt. I knew it was coming, but it still owned me. Knowing the days would be long, before work I was either making couscous and farro and prepping vegetables or getting my workout in. Two dinners this week were salads -- whipped together variations of chicken, spinach, some grain or other, and whatever citrus or dried fruit was in the pantry. One night I managed to sauté some chicken and roast cauliflower, but by Thursday, I had no ideas, so Wolf brought home a Costco pizza.  Then Friday, I was on my own.  With no grocery shopping happening either, a can of black beans saved me. I made Can You Stay for Dinner's black bean quinoa burgers.  It turned out to be the genesis of something bigger – a chicken, black bean and quinoa bake.

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