I bought a 4.5-lb. bag of Toll House chocolate chips at Costco. Joke all you want about whether or not anyone needs 12 rolls of paper towels or 6 packages of toilet paper at one time, but come the holidays, it’s the place to go. Need a 10 lb. bag of sugar for about the same cost as 5 lbs. at the grocery store? Costco. You’re doing spiced nut mix for an office party? Costco. You need to restock your bar? Costco.
So when I bought that bag of chocolate chips, it was without a lick of regret. I even felt like I was being somewhat restrained, since there was a 10 lb. bag of another brand. The thing is, I made this chocolate chip banana oat loaf with the regular chips but it didn’t produce the “chocolate in every bite” effect I was looking for. For that, you need the minis. Good thing I have no problem with keeping a well-stocked chocolate chip pantry.