SPEAKEASY by Sarina Bowen | Book Review
Speakeasy ARC provided by the author for review
SPEAKEASY is a barn burner of a romance with depth and complexity.
The thing I love about Sarina Bowen’s True North series is that you can pop in and out of it. SPEAKEASY, number 5 in the series is out today, and something in Alec Rossi and May Shipley’s story said it was time to pop in again. Maybe it’s the Mr. Right/Mr. Right Now premise, or the history between the two families, or the fact that Alec and May are the problem children in their families. Maybe it’s that Griff is still trying to protect his little sister from high school party boy Alec Rossi.
Except, they’re adults now.
Alec is a budding businessman and owner of the Gin Mill bar. May is an attorney and recovering alcoholic. But people are still underestimating them. After a breakup with her live-in girlfriend that goes down in Alec’s bar, May finds herself back under her parents’ roof at Shipley Farm, and befriended by Alec. It’s a secret that turns into friends-with-benefits, and then into more.
Unexpectedly, SPEAKEASY is a story of self discovery and breaking out of the boxes our friends and families put us in. It’s about how perseverance and taking challenges head-on can make us better people. And at the same time, it’s a barn burner of a forbidden romance. Sarina does this romance + real life combo that I love and look forward to in her stories.
What makes SPEAKEASY such an enjoyable read is that it isn’t just about May and Alec’s attraction. Of course, Alec is funny and charming and there is plenty of heat these two. At the same time, these characters have lives and they’re working on themselves in the midst of falling into a new relationship.
SPEAKEASY deals with May’s recovery openly and honestly, giving you glimpses of what the cravings look like when life throws you some curveballs and your family is in the cider business. Add to that the complication of May getting involved with a dude who owns a bar. It doesn’t seem like the best set up for staying sober, right? Alec has his own drama as he looks to make the Gin Mill more than a tavern, while holding off bigger, better funded competition. Few people have faith in him making it happen.
One of the other things I loved about this story was the frankness with which it deals with STD testing and contraception. May’s partner was cheating, so she goes to get tested. It’s a passing, single scene in a doctor’s office, but it’s one that captures dating life in the 21st century. It’s a small thing that brings complexity and realism to the story.
It all adds up to an entertaining, thoroughly contemporary romance that’s an absolute delight to read. May and Alec’s developing relationship feels real as they move past “Is this just a rebound thing?” to letting each other in on their issues. Don’t worry, it’s not all serious. Grandpa Shipley is on the scene to keep things light. Alec’s charm and Grandpa’s total lack of filter will keep you laughing even as things get real. 4 stars.
P.S. What’s the deal with the pizza? Alec tests out pizza from the bakery as a possible add at the Gin Mill. And I make pizza at home A LOT. My go-to pizza dough recipe is Kenji’s NY-style on Serious Eats. You can grab a bunch of different toppings ideas here.
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