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Romance Review Roundup: The Flatshare, The Rogue of Fifth Avenue, On the Corner of Love and Hate

In today’s romance review round up, I’m featuring quick hit reviews on two new releases: THE FLATSHARE by Beth O’Leary and THE ROGUE OF FIFTH AVENUE by Joanna Shupe, as well as Nina Bocci’s ON THE CORNER OF LOVE AND HATE, which arrives later this summer. Enjoy!

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley

Fresh, yet familiar!

THE FLATSHARE pulls off the feat of making a premise I felt I’d seen before feel new and interesting.

Tiffy finds herself in need of an apartment, fast. Leon works nights and could use the extra cash from sharing his place. And while it’s a little weird to share a bed, they never see each other. They start crossing paths via Post-It note. The semi-epistolary nature of their early relationship  is a fun twist and makes an excellent set up for their meet cute in real life. Instead of solely focusing on the budding relationship, O’Leary fills out Tiffy and Leon’s worlds with compelling secondary storylines tied to their jobs, and even delves into abusive relationships (content warning!). I thoroughly enjoyed The Flatshare. Recommended for fans of Sophie Kinsella, Helen Fielding and Katherine Center.

Get THE FLATSHARE on The Ripped BodiceAmazon

The Rogue of Fifth Avenue

ARC provided by the publisher for review

The Rogue of Fifth Avenue is the first book in Joanna Shupe’s new Uptown Girls series. Set in late Gilded Age New York City, it opens in a casino with Mamie and her sister playing craps.  In 1891, it just isn’t done. Luckily her father’s lawyer, Frank Tripp is tailing her in the shadows. A mishap in the casino sets these two on a delicious collision course.  The Rogue of Fifth Avenue has it all – a headstrong heroine, a hero with his own secrets, social activism and sexy times focused on consent and Mamie’s pleasure. Swoon! What more can you ask for?  Book 2 in the series, The Prince of Broadway, is due out this December.

Get the Rogue of Fifth Avenue at The Ripped Bodice | Amazon

on the corner of love and hate

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley

Slow burn romance with great banter and plenty of laughs!

I’m usually 50/50 on small town romances, but in ON THE CORNER OF LOVE AND HATE, Nina Bocci delivers one with a modern sensibility and plenty of laughs. Emma and Cooper work in city government, and are thrown together when he runs for mayor and she gets roped into being his campaign manager. But it’s not all straight-forward, Cooper’s love life has given him a bit of reputation around town and part of the job is reputation rehab to make him mayoral. Emma is super relatable: highly competent at her job, but insecure in other aspects of her life. And we all know a Cooper, he’s a good guy, but he’s also the hottie who skates by on his charm. I was pretty much rooting for them to kiss from about 10% in, but fair warning, ON THE CORNER OF LOVE AND HATE is a slow burn.

We briefly meet the other two dudes in their friend group, setting the stage for more books in the series. Meet Me On Love Lane, book 2, lands December 10. The Ingredients of You and Me is slated for Spring 2020.

On the Corner of Love and Hate is out August 13.

Pre-order at The Ripped Bodice | Amazon

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