Every year when Trader Joe’s does their customer choice awards, inevitably my faves don’t really line up with most of the winners. Although, based on some of the quality problems people have been reporting with Mandarin Orange Chicken, you have to wonder if it’ll still be a top fave. (I’ve said it before, Trader Joe’s. Just make the sauce available in a bottle).
Without further ado, here are my Top 6 Trader Joe’s Products for 2022. Why six? Well, it would have been five, but I couldn’t leave off one new item that I love. This isn’t a ranked list. It was hard enough to narrow it down.

Trader Joe’s had two frozen desserts this year that I loved — these mini mousses and the cream puffs. But I had to give the mini mousses the edge. For me, they’re the perfect balance of shortbread crust and creamy chocolate mousse. And just like Trader Joe’s Hold the Cones, the portion control is almost built in. It’s basically two bites, but if you wanna have two of ’em? Go ahead!

Out of all the pumpkin stuff Trader Joe’s trots out every fall (er, late summer), the Pumpkin Samosas are the one thing I buy again and again as long as I can. The rest of the year I buy the chicken ones at TJ’s and potato at my local Indian market. Would they pass muster with the aunties? Prolly not. But are they crunchy air-fried goodness? Yes. Based on the product photos I’m betting they’re made by Sukhi’s, but I’ve never done a side-by-side comparison because you can’t beat the TJ’s price.

Trader Joe’s ube stuff is really love it or hate it. I passed on the Ube butter and didn’t end up buying the pancake and waffle mix again this year. What I did buy again: the ube mochi ice cream. You can argue about whether the ube flavor is strong enough, but until my local Asian market starts carrying ube mochi from a known brand, I’m gonna get get it at TJs.

When I first wrote about Trader Joe’s Carolina Gold BBQ Chips, I had relatively low expectations, figuring they would be too mustardy for me. But no, these are DELICIOUS. I even saved one bag to have on New Year’s Eve. But wait, they’re a summer seasonal. Aren’t they past their best by date? Yeah, but not by much, I’m betting they’ll be fine. Don’t worry, I won’t serve old chips to unsuspecting guests. :D

Regular size fusilli is not a dried pasta I usually buy. The corkscrews usually get too loosey goosey and it just reminds me of bad pasta salad from the 80s. But these giant fusilli from Trader Joe’s? I LOVE THEM. I was so happy to see them back in November after only getting one bag last year. The noodles themselves are about as big as my index finger and they’re just fun. They maintain their shape and they’re great with bolognese or lamb ragu. And you can’t get them anywhere else, as far as I know!

Ok, so Trader Joe’s Cassava Chips are the item that forced me into making this a six-item list. I know, you’re going, really, cassava chips? What’s so great about them? I’ve been buying a bag or two every week since they came out. If you love taro chips, these will be right up your alley. I think it’s really about texture and salt, because I can’t say there’s a lot of specific flavor here other than general root vegetable — and yet I love them!
They’re thicker than standard potato chips and I think because cassava is starchy, they have a really good crunch. Sometimes you get other root chip brands and they just aren’t crunchy enough, or almost seem a little stale. Not with TJ’s Cassava Chips. And the price is right. Terra brand taro chips generally run $5+ for a 6 oz. bag. TJ’s Cassava Chips are $1.99 for a 5 oz. bag.