How to Walk Away by Katherine Center | 4-Star Review
ARC won from BookishFirst
After a traumatic incident, Maggie Jacobsen finds herself with a whole different set of expectations about her life. And when life throws you major curve balls, who better to help you through it than your well-meaning, but slightly dysfunctional family?
How to Walk Away is like catching up with a friend you haven’t seen in 10 years over a lunch that neither of you wants to end. As Maggie relates her story, you run the gamut of emotions with her, alternately rolling your eyes over her parents, shaking your head about her wild child sister and waggling your eyebrows over Ian.
How to Walk Away is poignant and funny and hopeful. I loved it. Author Katherine Center chooses to use Maggie’s story to show us when one door closes, another one opens, you just have to be willing to go through. It’s never schmaltzy or preachy and it was a real delight to read. Book clubs, take note.