Hatch Chile season snuck up on me this year. I started seeing a few Anaheims in the last week or two at my local farmers market. But with Melissa’s Produce’s Hatch Chile Roasts kicking off in California, Arizona and Kentucky this weekend, we know the start of the season is officially here. Roasting events will expand nationally over the few weeks. Check the list of stores to see when Melissa’s is roasting in your area.
Hatch Chile fans in California can also get their fill as Northgate Markets fire up their roasters and Frieda’s Produce will be roasting at select Ralphs locations.
If you need some ideas on ways to enjoy Hatch chiles, we got ya covered.
For more Hatch Chile recipe ideas, check out my Hatch Chile Pinterest Board.

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Hatch Chile Season Kicks Off This Weekend
Description2019 Hatch Chile Roast stores and locations plus ideas for using Hatch Chiles.
Michelle Jenkins
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