>Gold Medal Ribbon
Next weekend we’re heading to Armida in Healdsburg to pick up our futures — a case of 2004 Keefer Ranch Chardonnay, which I found out today just won a Gold Medal at the Sonoma Harvest Fair. We’re not much when it comes to being stock pickers, but we’ve done pretty well on wines.
Armida is a great little spot we discovered a couple of years ago while hitting Winter Wineland, an annual Wine Road event that happens MLK weekend. Though it’s grown some in the last couple of years – having acquired La Familia – it’s a great winery, with the right irreverent attitude toward wines and wine drinking. I mean, c’mon, their wine club is called Wino’s — in honor of a big furry old, friendly dog who once was the official greeter at Armida. Unfortunately, Wino himself has since left us, but if you’re in the club at Armida, you’re a Wino at heart.
2201 Westside Road
Healdsburg, Ca. 95448 U.S.A.
PHONE: 707.433.2222