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Eat Local: Hanalei Farmers Market on Kauai

On Kauai, the farmers market in Hanalei is serious business. It opens at 9:30 on Saturday morning next to the soccer fields and a few minutes before 9:30 a.m., there are already 20-30 people waiting to be let in. There's no leisurely browsing here, once the rope goes up, shoppers beeline for their favorite vendors. On this late February morning, there are gorgeous strawberry papayas, mangoes, rambutans, avocados, salad greens, cilantro and parsley, ginger and more. And for someone who's been eating a lot of chard and citrus, it looks like heaven.

In Season: Get Your Dekopon On with Sumo Citrus

If you ever want to know the backstory on a fruit, David Karp is your man. Last year, he wrote about the arrival of the dekopon, a Japanese variety of mandarin, just entering the market in California and I was all over my local stores in Washington trying to see if they'd carry them. No such luck. So when Karp heralded the arrival of this year's dekopons, marketed as "Sumo Citrus," in last week's LA Times food section and it coincided with a trip down south to visit a friend, I knew we had to find a Whole Foods in her neighborhood.

On the Road: Dining in Denver

The last couple of weeks, I've hardly been home, what with work taking me to the Bay Area for several days and then I was in Denver for my friend Lara's baby shower. So there's been a lot of eating and tweeting, but not much new posting! There is a ton of good food happening in Denver, here's a quick look at a few of the spots we hit over the weekend. I brought Seattle weather to Denver on Saturday, but as we all know, neither clouds, nor rain, nor chilly temps will stop a Seattleite from enjoying ice cream. Little Man Ice Cream serves up ice cream, gelato and sorbet and over the weekend flavors included chocolate malt, caramel popcorn, strawberry, and whopper malt (ice cream); chocolate-hazelnut, pistachio (gelato) and brandied peach (sorbet). One of their best inventions is the little dip, a mini scoop on a cone for 99c, for those times when you just want a couple of bites of ice cream. Unfortunately, I have no photos of the little dips, because both hands were full, one with chocolate malt, the other with brandied peach sorbet. :-)

Photo Roundup: Good Eats in Cannon Beach, OR

cannon beach Just looking at this photo has me longing to be on vacation again. A few weeks ago, we squeezed in one last little summer getaway for us and the dogs and drove down to Cannon Beach. Here's a quick look at a few of the highlights. The thing to know is in the off-season, some restaurants/bakeries are closed a couple of days mid-week and don't include hours on their Web sites. So call ahead if you're planning a trip this fall/winter.

MountainView Blueberry Farm – Snohomish

It was a perfect morning for picking blueberries, mid 50's with a light fog blanketing the fields. Just as I rounded the corner to go down the row to pick my first berries of the season at MountainView Blueberry Farm yesterday, a little boy yelled, "Jackpot!" I knew it was going to be a good day. One of the highlights of a Seattle summer is u-pick blueberries. And picking Bluecrops, well, once you get going, picking these berries is addictive. They're big and sweet and the plunk, plunk, plunk as they hit the bottom of the bucket just sounds like summer. I filled two buckets, for about 12 lbs of berries, in an hour and a half. And even still, walking up to the check out, I thought, is this going to be enough? Should I go back out? They're that good.

Spotted Bear Bistro – Tofino, BC

Spotted Bear is the kind of neighborhood joint I wish we had around the corner. The kitchen is right there as you walk in, and you're as likely to be greeted by the chef as by the host. With Tofino being a beach town, you might expect seafood to dominate the menu, but Spotted Bear strikes a balance, offering up dishes that take advantage of the local seafood, with plenty of options for folks who aren't so big on salmon and mussels (like me!).

New Ideas for Salad: Orange-Vanilla Vinaigrette & Braised Greens

Aside from the sunshine, doing nothing and umbrella drinks, eating local is one of the best things about vacation. I love those trips where the biggest decision I'll have to make on any given day is what to eat next. On our recent trip to Tofino, BC, many of the restaurants in town featured greens from Nanoose Edibles Farm in Nanoose Bay, BC. One of the best was this salad at the Long Beach Lodge Resort with Nanoose Edibles greens, Okanagan Happy Days goat cheese, toasted hazelnuts and strawberries with a citrus and vanilla vinaigrette.
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