The last couple of weeks, I've hardly been home, what with work taking me to the Bay Area for several days and then I was in Denver for my friend Lara's baby shower. So there's been a lot of eating and tweeting, but not much new posting!
There is a ton of good food happening in Denver, here's a quick look at a few of the spots we hit over the weekend.
I brought Seattle weather to Denver on Saturday, but as we all know, neither clouds, nor rain, nor chilly temps will stop a Seattleite from enjoying ice cream.
Little Man Ice Cream serves up ice cream, gelato and sorbet and over the weekend flavors included chocolate malt, caramel popcorn, strawberry, and whopper malt (ice cream); chocolate-hazelnut, pistachio (gelato) and brandied peach (sorbet). One of their best inventions is the little dip, a mini scoop on a cone for 99c, for those times when you just want a couple of bites of ice cream. Unfortunately, I have no photos of the little dips, because both hands were full, one with chocolate malt, the other with brandied peach sorbet. :-)