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Buckwheat Fig Scrolls a la Revolver Coffee

revolver coffee latte counter| dailywaffle

Other than the sunshine that appeared unexpectedly, one of the best things about our weekend in Vancouver, BC was the coffee. Not surprising, right? The wet, chilly weather that dominates the PNW most of the year makes mass coffee consumption a given. What that weather doesn’t require is local roasting and attention to detail in every step of the coffee brewing process. And that’s what you get at Revolver in Vancouver’s Gastown neighborhood.

The #3 Pizza in America is in Phoenix?

pizzeria bianco margherita| dailywaffle

Who doesn’t love a good list? The DailyMeal just came out with the 101 best pizzas in America, and as you might expect, roughly one-third of them came from New York state. In its analysis, The DailyMeal says, “…most of America’s best pies are still in New Haven, New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Phoenix.”  {record scratch} Phoenix? Pizzeria Bianco’s Marinara pie ranked THIRD overall on the list, single-handedly putting Phoenix on this pizza map.

48 Hours in Denver: Black Eye, Uncle, Linger

   chile rellenos at linger denver| dailywaffle

Our friends Jed and Lara hosted us in Denver last weekend. The trip has become something of an October tradition in the last few years. I'd chalk it up to the everlasting sunshine in Denver and the coincidence with the beginning of the rainy season in Seattle, but really, it's been life events. Lara and I have known each other about 12 years and we worked together for a good batch of them. The first year I flew out for Lara's baby shower and returned a year later to meet A in person.  This year, A is up and around and walking. We rolled into town with no real plan, the only requirement being a pitstop at GoLite for Wolf. If you don't know GoLite, it's good outdoor/ workout /Winter gear on the cheap.

Like the best weekends, there was plenty of hangout time punctuated with good food - morning, noon and night. It's enough to make this girl want to move to Denver.

Working Vacation – Tofino, BC + Hank’s Ucluelet

Ya comin Cox Bay Tofino BC| dailywaffle

The last few summers we've made an annual trip up to Tofino, situated on the edge of Vancouver Island, about a 4 hour drive from Victoria, BC. It's a great surf spot for Wolf, it's got great hiking and beaches and a concentration of restaurants in Tofino-town. The timing of this year's trip didn't let us (well, at least me) sign off completely, so it ended up being a working vacation.  Still great to get away.  As it turns out, even after several visits there are plenty of new discoveries still to be made in Tofino.

Tom Douglas’ Culinary Summer Camp – Part 1

Tom Douglas Culinary Camp Tastes

What do you eat after Tom Douglas' Culinary Camp, a five-day eating extravaganza that started with foie gras and caviar and ended with Chinese barbecued pork, chicken and sausage? On Friday, my total consumption was: coffee, half a peach, a graham cracker with peanut butter, a package of Top Ramen, a small kale salad and a corn tortilla quesadilla. It was a far cry from the previous day, which started with an array of Bavarian meats, soft pretzels and beer.

Austin > Coffee, Kolache and a Rainstorm

Austin sixth street mural | dailywaffle

Wandering around is one of the joys of visiting a new city. With no real agenda, and no timeline to dictate where you go and what you do. That was my Sunday morning in Austin after BlogHerFood.  After two days of sessions and chit-chat, which for me doesn’t always come easily, I was ready for some quiet time to just be in my own head.

Grill Power > Pineapple Passion Fruit Grilled Chicken

  As soon as it gets gorgeous out, the first thing you want to do is whip the cover off the grill and throw on some burgers and dogs.  But what about after that? With a stretch of nice days its easy to run through your usual grilling repertoire and run out of ideas.  So why don't we do a little island-inspired grilled chicken?  Pineapple Passion Fruit Glazed Chicken we first made during our trip to Kaua'i in February.

A Different Taste of Taro in Hanalei

taro truffle | dailywaffle

As you cross the bridge coming into Hanalei on the north shore of Kauai, the first thing you see is a wide swath of green taro fields, spread across the Hanalei Valley. Farmed by the Haraguchi family for five generations, the fields are situated on the Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge which is home to a variety of endangered birds, including the Hawaiian nene and moorhens. Taro, a root vegetable brought to Hawaii by Polynesians, was a primary starch in the traditional Hawaiian diet and continues to be a cultural touchstone. If your only association with taro is the poi you once had at a luau, a tour of the Ho'opulapula Haraguchi Rice Mill and Taro Farm will go a long way in giving you a new appreciation for this tuber.
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