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Just Ginger Cookies, Not Gingerbread

One of the best things I've ever eaten in an airport was a ginger slice in Auckland, New Zealand. Think of a bar cookie with an almost shortbread-like crust, topped with a thick ginger icing. But this is icing with fire power -- the ginger is no afterthought and doesn't play second fiddle to molasses or cinnamon or allspice or anything else. Right about now everyone goes crazy for gingerbread with its earthy, spicy richness, chock full of molasses, nutmeg, allspice, and oh yeah, ginger. And I'm right there, too. I made a batch of molasses (really, gingerbread) cookies a couple of weekends ago from a Prudence Penny recipe from waaaaaay back. But they weren't much to talk about (um, hard and stale at the same time on day 2?). So then yesterday while doing a little DailyCandy catch up reading, I came across the Meatball Shop's Ginger Cookies recipe with a ginger lover's triple-threat: fresh, ground and, yeah crystallized. No molasses in sight! All I can say is, thank you Daniel Holzman and David Chernow.

On the Road: Dining in Denver

The last couple of weeks, I've hardly been home, what with work taking me to the Bay Area for several days and then I was in Denver for my friend Lara's baby shower. So there's been a lot of eating and tweeting, but not much new posting! There is a ton of good food happening in Denver, here's a quick look at a few of the spots we hit over the weekend. I brought Seattle weather to Denver on Saturday, but as we all know, neither clouds, nor rain, nor chilly temps will stop a Seattleite from enjoying ice cream. Little Man Ice Cream serves up ice cream, gelato and sorbet and over the weekend flavors included chocolate malt, caramel popcorn, strawberry, and whopper malt (ice cream); chocolate-hazelnut, pistachio (gelato) and brandied peach (sorbet). One of their best inventions is the little dip, a mini scoop on a cone for 99c, for those times when you just want a couple of bites of ice cream. Unfortunately, I have no photos of the little dips, because both hands were full, one with chocolate malt, the other with brandied peach sorbet. :-)

Photo Roundup: Good Eats in Cannon Beach, OR

cannon beach Just looking at this photo has me longing to be on vacation again. A few weeks ago, we squeezed in one last little summer getaway for us and the dogs and drove down to Cannon Beach. Here's a quick look at a few of the highlights. The thing to know is in the off-season, some restaurants/bakeries are closed a couple of days mid-week and don't include hours on their Web sites. So call ahead if you're planning a trip this fall/winter.

Skillet Diner – Capitol Hill

Summer is high time for road construction in the Pacific Northwest. Almost every weekend it seems there's at least one major closure in Seattle-- the bridges, key exits downtown, something. But one of the good things about Labor Day weekend is no planned road closures! And it was a long weekend, so I thought it was about time we got down to the bricks and mortar outpost of Skillet in Capitol Hill for a little brekky.

Spotted Bear Bistro – Tofino, BC

Spotted Bear is the kind of neighborhood joint I wish we had around the corner. The kitchen is right there as you walk in, and you're as likely to be greeted by the chef as by the host. With Tofino being a beach town, you might expect seafood to dominate the menu, but Spotted Bear strikes a balance, offering up dishes that take advantage of the local seafood, with plenty of options for folks who aren't so big on salmon and mussels (like me!).

New Ideas for Salad: Orange-Vanilla Vinaigrette & Braised Greens

Aside from the sunshine, doing nothing and umbrella drinks, eating local is one of the best things about vacation. I love those trips where the biggest decision I'll have to make on any given day is what to eat next. On our recent trip to Tofino, BC, many of the restaurants in town featured greens from Nanoose Edibles Farm in Nanoose Bay, BC. One of the best was this salad at the Long Beach Lodge Resort with Nanoose Edibles greens, Okanagan Happy Days goat cheese, toasted hazelnuts and strawberries with a citrus and vanilla vinaigrette.

Seattle: Aloha Ramen in Greenwood

If there's a Starbucks on every corner in Seattle, right next to it is a teriyaki shop. We have more teriyaki joints (most of them unmemorable) around here than any other place I've ever lived. In fact, there's one right next door to Aloha Ramen, which just seems crazy to me. But there's no contest -- you want to go to Aloha Ramen. You think you want chicken teriyaki? No, no, you want karaage, Japanese fried chicken, right next door.

Portland (PDX) – Part 3: Clyde Common

A little before 6 pm on a Friday night, Clyde Common is packed with people enjoying happy hour. It's connected to the Ace Hotel, one of the modern boutique hotels in Portland (parodied on Portlandia as the Deuce Hotel. BTW - a show worth checking out on Hulu). The dinner menu starts at 6 and I nabbed a seat against the windows, ordered a glass of the Crowley Pinot Noir from the Willamette Valley and waited. By the time I was ready for my second glass, a spot had opened up at the bar. I was flying solo as my husband had come down with something and wasn't in the mood to go out. I have no problem eating by myself, but knew it might be a challenge on a Friday night at a place with a hoppin' happy hour.

Portland (PDX) – Part 2: Taqueria El Rodeo Food Cart

Portland has an amazing food cart culture offering a broad mix of international cuisines, including Cuban, Ethiopian and Czech, as well as American favorites -- cheese steaks, sausages and fries. And while taco trucks might be a dime a dozen in other parts of the country, they may not be the first thing you think of when someone mentions Portland. We've walked by the food carts in downtown Portland a few times, always on a weekend, because we just don't seem to plan trips on weekdays when most of them are open. This time we got smart, planned a trip arriving on Friday and got there in time for lunch. I've been bookmarking food carts to try for ages -- Kim Jong Grillin, Solar Waffle Works, Chili Pie Palace, but for this quick trip, we were centered downtown, which focused our options.
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