
Sometimes you just need things to be easy and uncomplicated. To cap off a long week, you want something familiar. Something simple and delicious. That’s what this chocolate pudding is, just simple. No parfait treatments or graham cracker crusts or whipped cream dollops here -- just good ol' pudding. Where the box variety suggests chocolate flavor, this pudding doesn’t skimp. It's sweet, simple, and seriously chocolatey without being too rich.
I’ve been, let's call it what it is, short my entire life. On my tallest day, coincidentally, the day I got my driver's license, I was 5'1. So when you find a pair of pants that fits without needing alterations, you buy three pairs in black and never look back. It’s the same thing with pizza dough. When you find a dough recipe that works, you just keep on with it. For me, that’s been the Food Lab’s NY-style pizza dough. But after awhile, you start to need another pair of pants. What I really wanted was a whole wheat crust. So I started tinkering with my tried and true. Tinkering until I got the Food Lab’s NY-style pizza dough to go whole wheat.