Here’s the deal. Meatballs are not pretty. They’re like most of us – dented on one side, browned but splotchy, hiding beneath a red sauce, and hoping everyone is distracted by the parmesan sprinkled over the top. F that. Today, we’re stripping it bare, because what do you have to hide? A meatball is a meatball, and done right, there’s no shame in it. I’m not your nonna and this isn’t Sunday where we have all day to cook a gravy, so let’s make some Greek-inspired, Spinach and Feta Turkey Meatballs.
Cracking open an 85-pound wheel of Parmigiano Reggiano is no simple task. On Saturday, Whole Foods hosted events across the US, Canada and UK, with stores cracking open more than 400 wheels of Parmigiano Reggiano. This year's event at Whole Foods Market Bellevue saw three competitors taking on the task and there was a clear cut winner. A look at the festivities, including the crackin' in action, after the jump.
The other night Wolf and I were watching House of Cards and talking about Kevin Spacey. We’re doling out the episodes, one per evening rather than gorging on the whole season. When was it that Kevin Spacey broke out? We reckoned it was the trifecta of The Ref, Usual Suspects and Swimming with Sharks that really put him on the map. Two years later, in 1997, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil came out. Now I admit, I haven’t seen this film in years, and really all I could remember about it was that it was set in New Orleans. So I looked it up on IMDB and I haven’t stopped laughing since. Look at that ‘stache!