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The #3 Pizza in America is in Phoenix?

pizzeria bianco margherita| dailywaffle

Who doesn’t love a good list? The DailyMeal just came out with the 101 best pizzas in America, and as you might expect, roughly one-third of them came from New York state. In its analysis, The DailyMeal says, “…most of America’s best pies are still in New Haven, New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Phoenix.”  {record scratch} Phoenix? Pizzeria Bianco’s Marinara pie ranked THIRD overall on the list, single-handedly putting Phoenix on this pizza map.

Easy Peasy > Gemelli w/ Sausage & Cherry Tomatoes

  This wasn't supposed to be a blog post, just dinner on Monday night.  There are no photos of cherry tomatoes casually rolling toward the edge of the counter, or a scatter of pasta strategically positioned behind the bowl. There's not even a fork, just a quick snapshot because I was texting it to Wolf to get him to hurry up on home.  Then, I was pleasantly surprised by how fast and delicious it actually was, so, well, here we are. Gemelli con salsiccia e pomodorini…which sounds fancy, no? Gemelli with sausage and cherry tomatoes. Let’s go.

Damn Near Perfect Whole Wheat Pizza

I’ve been, let's call it what it is, short my entire life.  On my tallest day, coincidentally, the day I got my driver's license, I was 5'1. So when you find a pair of pants that fits without needing alterations, you buy three pairs in black and never look back.  It’s the same thing with pizza dough. When you find a dough recipe that works, you just keep on with it. For me, that’s been the Food Lab’s NY-style pizza dough. But after awhile, you start to need another pair of pants. What I really wanted was a whole wheat crust. So I started tinkering with my tried and true.  Tinkering until I got the Food Lab’s NY-style pizza dough to go whole wheat.

Be My (Pizza Spinaci) Valentine

  Every Rom-Com, every book, every platitude says when you meet “The One,” you’ll just know.  We didn’t lock eyes in a crowded airport terminal or pass each other on a train platform or have an awkward conversation about the weather in biology lab.  We met on the Internet.  And it’s like….magic. I have fallen completely, utterly and irrevocably in love. We are M-F-E-O (made for each other). My husband? What?  No, I met him in a bar.  I’m talking about the Baking Steel.

Photo Roundup: Good Eats in Cannon Beach, OR

cannon beach Just looking at this photo has me longing to be on vacation again. A few weeks ago, we squeezed in one last little summer getaway for us and the dogs and drove down to Cannon Beach. Here's a quick look at a few of the highlights. The thing to know is in the off-season, some restaurants/bakeries are closed a couple of days mid-week and don't include hours on their Web sites. So call ahead if you're planning a trip this fall/winter.

Bent Snowboard Pizza with Seeds

Pizza is the #1 food in America, according to the results of a recently released Oxfam survey of more than 16,000 people globally, followed by steak, chicken, Mexican food and pasta. Pizza is #2 in Germany and #5 in Brazil. I can't say I'm surprised about the US result (although I thought #1 would be burgers). Pizza night - whether homemade or take-out - is almost a weekly occurrence for us. That being the case, you'd think I'd be a lot better at rolling the dough into a circle. But when it comes to pizza, I'm geometrically-challenged. Not unlike my experience in 10th grade geometry, I understand the technique, but there's a disconnect between my brain and the rolling pin. It does make for interesting shapes -- oblongs, rectangles, squares. I'd say this one is between bent snowboard and Christmas stocking.
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