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Photo One-offs

Photo One-Off: Goodbye Summer

This year I only had one hanging cherry tomato plant -- yep, just one. I almost killed it twice this summer, with um, inadvertent dry farming experiments (aka vacations). I did find out that poking holes in the bottom of a water bottle and jamming it into the pot does work, I probably just needed one bottle for every day we were gone since that little Tumbler tomato was sucking down the water. Even still, it gave one big push in mid-July and then ramped up for a second push in September, and then the weather cooled off just after Labor Day.

Photo Roundup: Good Eats in Cannon Beach, OR

cannon beach Just looking at this photo has me longing to be on vacation again. A few weeks ago, we squeezed in one last little summer getaway for us and the dogs and drove down to Cannon Beach. Here's a quick look at a few of the highlights. The thing to know is in the off-season, some restaurants/bakeries are closed a couple of days mid-week and don't include hours on their Web sites. So call ahead if you're planning a trip this fall/winter.

Molasses & Sriracha Pulled Pork

This past weekend may have been the unofficial end of summer, but we celebrated our 3-day weekend with a sandwich that knows no season -- a pulled pork sammy. I've been known to cook up pulled pork sliders for the Superbowl, for birthdays or for no good reason at all, other than that pork shoulder was on sale. But this being the unofficial end of summer, it called for something a little special. So I busted out this recipe for Molasses & Sriracha Pulled Pork from Lindsay over at Rosemarried.

It’s Hatch Chile Time

The heat rises off the desert floor in visible waves, a tumbleweed blows across the landscape and a cherry red 1959 Cadillac convertible comes screaming down the highway, its driver's leathery face obscured by sunglasses and a cowboy hat. The perfume of roasting chiles hangs heavily in the air. It's Hatch chile time.
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