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Maximum Pesto, Minimum Noodle

basil pesto orzo salad |dailywaffle Wolf declared this the best pesto he’s ever had. I laughed,  made a “yeah, whatever” face and said, “You’re just hungry.” It’s the same basil pesto I’ve been making for years and there’s nothing all that unusual about it.  I don’t put pine nuts in it and I add a squeeze of lemon juice to stave off discoloration. So, why talk about it? We made a discovery the other night. The secret here is maximum pesto, minimum noodle.

Grill Power: Halloumi & Grilled Vegetable Pasta Salad

mediterreanean grilled vegetable pasta salad | dailywaffle

Just a quick hit today as Canada is finishing its long weekend celebrating Canada Day and the US is gearing up for Independence Day. Like a lot of the West Coast we're in the midst of a heatwave, so stretching one night of cooking over a couple of meals sounds like a good plan to me.  Over the weekend, we fired up the grill and threw on some halloumi and vegetable skewers inspired by Joshua Bousel's version on Serious Eats a couple of weeks ago. We doubled up the skewers and had half the veg for dinner with the other half headed for this pasta salad the next day.

Mushroom Ragu with Fettuccine

I’m tiptoeing into Fall. The last few mornings there’s been more of a chill in the air, but the afternoons are still warm. I'm still wearing flip-flops, but with long sleeve t-shirts. My cherry tomato in a hanging pot is in its second wind. This is when we keep our fingers crossed for one last push. Last night’s pasta carried that forward. Summer's Lite Brite punches of heirloom tomato and basil were left behind, making way  for the earthiness of mushroom.  We (er, I)  haven’t quite given ourselves (read: myself) over entirely to the autumn, but this mushroom ragu was a first tentative step.
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